Saturday, 18 June 2011
An invention after20th century
An invention before 20th century
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Incandescent light bulb
Monday, 2 May 2011
Two new vaccines
Put to work at the same body to the cells that grow uncontrollably is the strategy that seems to be decanted for cancer research. Two studies presented in 2009 at the Congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), have shown the effectiveness of separate vaccines to improve the prognosis of two common tumors: non-Hodgkin lymphoma and melanoma.
They are two therapeutic vaccines do not prevent the appearance of the disease but do affect its development and increase the life expectancy of patients. The perspective is stretched over a year in the case of lymphoma and in five months in patients with melanoma, a skin cancer with good prognosis if diagnosed early and bad expectations when it is located and extended.
Although both vaccines are administered in combination with chemotherapy, it was demonstrated that their efficacy opens the door to new clinical trials. The melanoma vaccine is made from a protein in the tumor itself and stimulates the production of T cells, a type of white blood cells multiply and seek out protein gp100 to try to destroy it and with it, the malignant cells.
The origin of beer was just at the same time that the birth of agriculture, or the invention of bread. It was discovered a type of beer from
There was another type of beer on the Mesopotamia and
The importance of beer in the culture of Pharaonic
Beer consumption in
During the Middle Ages European population consumed an enormous amount of beer, estimated at about
The manufacturing was refined by Catholic monks. In 1516 Germany regulates the purity and since then, countless of jars, special glasses and even specific celebrations as Oktobefest of Munic, who has served two centuries, have made the beer the most popular drink almost everywhere in the world.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Friday, 22 April 2011

Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
An inventions of 20th centurie: The penicillin
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
An Invention of 20th Century: The Nuclear Weapon
An invention before 20th Century: The Compass
Sunday, 10 April 2011
An invention before 20th century
A playstation is a further demonstration of the technology that promises to be installed: the wireless or wi-fi. Through it is possible to surf the Internet in places(specially prepared) without connecting to a power socket.
One of the cities "wireless" is Boston. There, restaurants, libraries and even pubs,offer that option. In Buenos Aires it is still not massive but there are several similarsites.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
An invention created after the 20th century: The Hang

A Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Switzerland. The instrument is made from two deep drawn nitrided steel sheets that are attached together creating the recognizable 'UFO shape'. There is nothing inside the Hang but air.First generation Hang (2005) played horizontally on the lap, and second generation Hang (2007) played vertically on the lap.
Friday, 8 April 2011
An invention created before the 20th century: The Laser

Laser (1961). This device, which uses a quantum mechanical effect, to generate a beam of light with unique properties that make that has a wide range of applications,from medicine to the automotive, telecommunications and aeronautics, was inventedin 1960 by the physicist Theodore Maiman. The English word laser comes from thelaser, an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulate Emission of Radiation
An invention created after the 20th century: The Clock

However, we needed a different measure time appliance accurately
In simpler words, the clock is our position on Earth, with respect to where the sun is at all times. Thus, at 12 days, the sun is overhead, at one day is a bit more towards thesea, and thus moves toward it with each passing hour.
4,000 years ago in Egypt, invented the first watch and was, in fact, the Sundial, only that it could not measure the time when it was night and there was no sun.
An invention created after the 20th century: the iPhone

Thursday, 7 April 2011
An invention before 20 century. The Semaphore

The first semaphore was built in 1868 by James Percy Knight and was a failure, since one of the two gas lamps (one green and one red),exploded and killing the officer who was in charge.
The sewing machine
A sewing machine is a textile machine used to stitch fabric, cards and other material together with thread. Sewing machines were invented during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of manual sewing work performed in clothing companies. They were invented in 1791 by the british inventor Thomas Saint but his design was never really built. In 1814 an australian presented the first sewing machine and he patented it. RME
An invention before 20th century: Morse telegraph
An invention created before the 20th century: The bicycle

Monday, 4 April 2011
An invention before 20 century. The telegraph.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Sunday, 23 January 2011
Monday, 17 January 2011